Writing original dance tracks live on stage.





This is not some wierd "experimental" noises, this is music which really WORKS!


Experience beautiful, evocative ambiences,
let the flowing, organically-changing grooves move you,
bask your senses in ever-evolving aesthetically powerful ambient/dance artworks . . .
be part of events of sonic dance-culture fine-art that people can really relate to.




stylistic influences . . .



  Evolutions-from-the-void (EfV).

The "void" is what the live-created music of EfV begins from . . . EfV uses no pre-prepared musical structure at all . . . each performance starts from genuine emptyness, and evolves using the Fine-Art process . . . perception of the manifested creations determines subsequent creative decisions, resulting in genuine art that could not have been predicted before it unfolds in real-time. Every EfV event is unique and the emotions of the audience response are part of the creative process.

Fundamental to EfV is the ambient concept . . . sound is more important than notes. Influences span the whole of dance music, as well as world and folk music, jazz, classical, and avant-garde, as well as the sounds of the enivoronment both natural and man-made.


Have a listen to some EfV tracks . . .


  Recent performances . . .

April 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void was the star performer at major corporate events in both Bangkok and Beijing. Praised by both the client (American Standard . . . the world's largest company in their field) and the Event Production company from Hong-Kong (www.luminous-asia.com).

April 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void performed with Anand Jagota on solo veena (an Indian instrument similar to the sitar) for an Indian wedding at Le Meridien hotel, Khao Lak, Thailand.

April 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void performed with Anand Jagota on solo veena (an indian instrument similar to the sitar) for top executives of Deutsche-Bank, on a luxury yacht, Phuket Thailand.

2005 to 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void has been very well-recieved at many private parties at the Aman-Puri, one of the top ten hotels in S.E. Asia.

March 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void performed for an exclusive private full-moon party on a private island for the Evason Latitude hotel, Phuket, Thailand.

Jan 2007
Evolutions-from-the-void played for a major Indian wedding (for guests including a princess from India) at the Hilton Arcadia, Phuket, Thailand.

April 2006
Evolutions-from-the-void performed for a private party at the number one hotel in S.E. Asia (Trisara, Phuket).

Dec 2005
Evolutions-from-the-void was praised as the opening act for the King's Cup Regatta / opening event for the Royal Phuket Marina, performing for 2000 people.

  Quotes from Benjarong magazine . . .

". . . the seriously talented Chris Melchior. It takes me moment to realize where he is, and slightly longer for my brain to realize that this glorious chill-out sound is being made by him, his laptop and a violin."

"The soundtrack to the evening he creates is mesmerizing and unique, like magic dust being sprinkled on our souls. One to watch out for."

"No two performances are the same and unlike most (if not all) of the major dance bands around the world none of the sounds are pre-recorded meaning that each performance is genuinely live and created in real time. As such the mood, tempo and style of each performance follow a landscape of sounds where the course of the journey can be influenced as much by the venue and audience as the musician."


Bio . . .

Chris Melchior, the sole permanant member of Evolutions-from-the-void, has an exceptionally broad range of creative and technical experience, talents and skills which he puts to extraordinarily good use in performing as Evolutions-from-the-void.

Chris first picked up the violin before the age of one, and by the age of eleven was awarded a full scholarship to the world-renowned Royal College of Music in London, where he studied all aspects of Western classical music from some of the world's leading teachers. By the age of eighteen he was leading the country's foremost youth orchestra (Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra) and learning the valuable skills of playing in smaller ensembles from one of the world’s two most highly regarded string quartets (the Delme).

Chris went on to obtain a First-Class Honors Degree from the England's top performing-arts University (Middlesex) while gaining invaluable performance experience in jazz, contemporary, avant-garde and electronic music, alongside recording-studio techniques, composition skills, and Fine Art. As founder member of the production group "White Monkey Trip", he was an integral part of best-selling performances at the most prestigious venues for contemporary arts in Britain (Lilyan-Baylis, and The Place), and gained advanced skills and experience while doing Masters-Degree classes in electronic music and Fine Art in America.

Chris created dance music and sound-effects for a number one in the world computer game in a recording-studio he designed and built himself, recorded with Virgin Records, Atlantic Records and numerous smaller labels, worked on numerous occasions with Mike Pelanconi the producer of the early Orb albums (probably the most famous ambient-dance group), and taught Masters-Degree level classes in electronic music and composition, as well as completing professional training in NLP (communication and excellence techniques). He has created best-selling graphic design, as well as working in visual Fine Art and integrated multi-media performances. His presentation of ambient music and video at a performance-arts University in America was exceptionally well received and he has been invited to lecture on ambient music by Universities internationally. His wide range of relevant skills and experience include computer programming, electronic engineering, sound engineering and playing a wide variety of authentic folk music for many years including performing in ensembles with the top Indian-music guitarist in Britain. He has always had a great love for ambient music even many years before it became an accepted mainstream art-form, and wrote a Masters Degree Thesis on the subject (see "Ambient Music, Beginnings and Implications").

Rapid advances in software technology now enable Chris to implement a real-time-programmable, fully-flexible sound-recording-studio within a single computer . . . giving an astounding range of sounds and the amazing practical possibility of creating any (motif-based) musical-form and any combination of sounds and effects spontaneously in real-time. He integrates this with playing of live acoustic instruments (including violin) and live keyboards.

Evolutions-from-the-void is a project that Chris has been working towards for more than fifteen years, from a time when you could only present ambient music for a few seconds at the beginning of a rock song. It is a form of artistic expression which he truly loves creating, and this is clearly evident in his inspired performances.


contact EfV: chris@chris-melchior.com



